Welcome to the Community Safety Office
We are a University of Toronto Equity Office and Tri-Campus service that offers short-term support and assistance to students, staff, and faculty members of the University of Toronto community who have experienced personal safety concerns including:
- Stalking and Harassment
- Bullying and Intimidation
- Threats
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Family Violence
- Workplace Conflict and Volatile Behaviour
Do you or someone you know need assistance?
What’s Popular?
Community Safety Office Mandate
The Office responds to all personal safety concerns by:
- Addressing the complaint
- Assessing the personal and community safety risks
- Providing a continuum of intervention options that the complainant can explore in order to address their personal safety concern(s)
- Presenting information about the particular issue experienced
- Co-creating a safety plan
- Referring and working in partnership with various offices in order to address the individual’s personal safety concerns
Additionally, the Office:
- Provides consultation to those dealing with difficult behaviour
- Facilitates women’s self-defence sessions
- Organizes Men Against of Violence initiatives
- Undertakes education and training initiatives relating to broad safety concerns being faced by members of our community
International Student Safety: Culture Shock and Relationship Safety
Check out the Community Safety Office’s new video Collaboration with the Centre for International Experience. For more information about safety concerns that international students face, including: being targeted by fraudsters, dangers of culture shock, and intimate partner violence in the context of the Canadian judicial system, check out our new tab: International Student Safety.
Do you have a situation that is causing you concern?
Contact us for an appointment: